Tuesday, June 7, 2011

DAY 19


Not a bad evening at another "Choice" Inn for free.  I passed on the free "breakfast" and headed for Starbucks for a "Gucci" coffee with an extra kicker.  I was typing on the blog and listening to teachers at the next table talk about how bad school has become and who was getting laid off.  Fortunately, that was not all they talked about. They talked about climbing, hiking and rescuing animals.  I was thinking that in the short day today, only 75 miles, I would probably not run into anything interesting.  Every time I think like that something comes up and slaps me.  I looked out the window and saw this.......

So, I left the coffee to go out to visit.  When he found out I was driving the Vespa he cranked up, got on the SUV, Sidecare Utility Vehicle, a Russian URAL and backed up to the Vespa

We are very much alike.  His name is Dr. Pawsitive and believes you have to have a positive outlook. He travels solo like me.  Well sorta, there are three dogs.   He goes slow and sees the world and does U turns in a heartbeat.  He too, has discovered that by traveling alone more people will just come up and start talking to you.
 the sidecar dogs, Blanche Dubois, Nutty Buddy, and Ballpark Frank

I hereby declare Pennsylvanian roads the worst I have been on.  Not all are bad, but they have more than anyplace else I have taken a scooter in America.

I crossed the Delware river into NJ and meandered to Princeton....

  Big Red would look good in my garage with the jaguar

  where we will spending the next 2 days visiting family and friends.