4000 miles ended up at 4921. If I had known that I was that close to 5000 miles I would have ridden across Florida and spent the night at the Hampton Inn in Perry, my usual last night on the road, and drunk a gallon or so of free margarita's. There was surely no tequila in the ones I had in Flagler Beach.
Of the 34 days on the road, I rode Big Red 30 of days. Everyday was not a transit day but Big Red was the main means of transportation on the whole trip.
No one tried to kill me and, for the first time, I did not try to kill myself.
I only had to wear the rain gear one day. The weather was great until the last two days in Florida when the combination of heat and humidity were stifling.
It was another great trip. However, I saw lots of damage from natural disasters and talked to some people who were not doing well economically. Most of the rural people have always suffered financially but with the cut back in services their lives are more difficult.
I visited with many farmers and I have decided that most of our farmers are now share croppers once again. They may own the land and equipment but they are contracted to grow for the major corporations. If the corporation decides to cut the price these farmers have no choice but to take the cut. There is no free market, it is what corporate America wants it to be. Several farmers told me they had shunned government programs in the best. As one said "if you don't get in, then there will be no problem of getting out". Unfortunately he is now in the government programs because his corporate buyers want him their for their own advantages.
I was amazed at how many people I saw get out of the car and "dash" into a store and leave it running for 20 or 30 minutes. Don't be whining about the price of gas if you continue to waste.
The school is doing great and we raised $1,873 on this ride. If you have not bought a few miles yet, please click on the "donate" button and help the kids.
We thank all of those that gave and especially the Country Rode Motorsport for donations to the cause. Remember every dollar goes to the school project.
Big Red performed with no problems.
I put a brand new rear tire, rollers, weights and drive belt on at the beginning of the trip.
The rear tire was a Michelin City Pilot and I got right at 3,000 miles out of it. I was hoping for better but it is what it is. It was replaced with a Pirrelle GTS24 and now has 2000 miles and is looking good.
We had to change the exhaust gasket at 8,000 +/- mile on the gasket. This is OK, except the gasket costs, $34 and any time you remove the muffler you are supposed to change it. I would think you should get more mileage out of it or at least make the gasket cheaper. There are alternatives and I may look into them.
I did not change any fluids. I think changing oil more often than the manufacturer recommends is a waste. But that is just my opinion. Others will disagree.
I still find my notes from google maps and a print map the best guides. I did keep the Garmin on the scooter the whole trip and found it to mildly informing. Many times the roads I was on were not even in the data base. I have been using GPS since they were born, but not in cars or scooters. It does not have the flexiblity in need to roam. Maybe there is something I am missing in the data base. I have found the smart phone to be the most valuable electronic piece of equipment. I use it for navigating and finding important places like gas stations and hotels.
Be sure and let your credit card company know that you are traveling.One of the parameters for detecting cc fraud is multiple gas station fill ups in a short period of time, even if they are just $5 each. Some one did "borrow" my cc and was shopping in Calif while I was in New York. Fortunately they were shopping in Walmart and my cc company knows I do not shop at Walmart.
Not sure there will be another scooter trip this year, but you never know.. The next big scheduled trip will be next April when we hope to race in the Scooter Cannonball Run. A rally race from Savannah, GA. to San Diego, CA.
In Sept we will doing the "Poormans Orient Express" train trip from London to Istanbul.
All these and future adventures can be found at lostboater.com
Thank you for following our travels.