Sunday, November 27, 2011


We had been traveling for over 2 months, but I wanted to go back to NC to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. Since we had been home less than a week and had just spent a couple days in Garner, Vicki was staying home.

So, I could fly, which I hate or drive, which sounded dull.  Fortunately, Jill and Monique came to town. They are new Vespa owners and Jill and I did some riding on Big Red and Scoot. Then the idea that had been at the back of mind jumped forward when Jill said "take Big Red". I looked at the weather and decided to go for it. I would make it a trial run for the Scooter Cannon Ball Race that I have entered for next April.  This was not to be the leisure ride I normally do. This was get on Big Red and ride like I stole it.

I left St. Pete at 6:30 AM and arrived in Orangeburg, SC at 5:15 PM.  That was sun up to sun down, a 10:45 day. Other than fuel stops, a 20 minute lunch break and waiting 20 minutes at a train crossing, it was riding all day. There were was some cold tempartures with a little drizzle, but mostly cool and sunny. I did a record 479 miles. About 22 miles of expressway, but the rest was US301 that was a mix of rural 2 and 4 lane road. I was WOT (wide open thortle) most of the way.  Fuel average was 52 miles per gallon.  The WOT really burns the fuel. Normally I get 60 to 75 miles per gallon.

The next day was 250 miles WOT.  It started cold but warmed up quickly. I had tried to buy a new armoured riding jacket in St. Pete but Jill said I had to have a red one. This morning I would have been glad to have even a pink one.

I left friday the day after Thanksgiving headed home and it was 34 degrees, but thankfully, my Momma had bought me new red winter riding jacket and I had bought winter riding gloves. It stayed cold for a long time. I arrived in Beaufort, SC in time for happy hour.  300 miles.

The next day I made the run for home. Weather was warm and traffic not to bad. 425 in 9 hours. My ass was sore, but it was fun.

The hard part of this trip was that I flew by lots of interesting stuff to stop and check out.  From the coffee pot on top of a 1930's gas station to the back packers walking on US301. All of it was pulling at me, but this was another mission. I did get one good story in Jessup, Ga.  I stopped at Charlies for breakfast. $5.50 for all you could eat fresh buffet including drink. Not setting under the hot lamp all day food. This was really fresh. There were to pecan farmers talking about grafting trees and that was very interesting. Then one started on to book and movie he had seen about some people who had planned to kidnap President Lincoln. The conversation progressed to present day. The older gentleman started talking about how this relates to Gitmo and the unfairness of the whole situation. I was not sure I heard right and listened closer. Yep, he said 10 years is long enough to hold people with out charging them.  This was music to my ears. A sensible red neck.

Next a women came in. The waiteress explained about the buffet and the price and the women said she and husband would take it. Then she went out in the parking lot and yelled at her husband "hurry up, they have a buffett"!!!!!! Like they were going to run out or something. There was only me and the pecan farmers in the restuarnt. A elder skinny man walked in that good have eaten all day and probably not added a pound.

It was great to get home. Especially that pumpkin martini Vicki had waiting for me.

10,902 mi to 12,353  mi = 1451

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